Nikolay Golosov


Remote Sensing and Geospatial Analysis (Thermal remote sensing,GIS/RS software development,Machine/deep learning), Environmental Data Analytics (Air quality monitoring,Energy efficiency,Spatial-temporal dynamics of pandemics), Data Management and Visualization (Database management,Web-based data visualization,AR/VR application development)


Programming: Python, NumPy, matplotlib, Pandas, ArcPy, JavaScript, ArcGIS API for Javascript, Leaflet, OpenLayers, GIT

Machine/Deep Learning: Scikit-learn, Tensorflow Keras, PyTorch, FB Prophet, RandomForest

Database: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, MS SQL Server, ESRI Geodatabase

VR/AR Application Development: Unity 3D, KRPano

GIS/Remote Sensing: ArcGIS Desktop/Server/Online, QGIS, ENVI, ERDAS, eCognition

OS/IDEs: Linux (including shell scripting), Windows Server, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook, Spyder


Penn State University

Ph.D., Geography (in progress)

  • Environmental Data Analytics
  • Geographic Information Management
  • GIS Programming
  • Advanced Python Programming for GIS


University of Northern Iowa

Master's, Geography/Graduate Certificate in GIS and Cartography

  • Advanced GIS
  • Web GIS
  • Advanced Remote Sensing
  • GIS Software Development
  • Spatial Statistics


Saint-Petersburg State University

B.S/Specialist degree, Applied informatics in Geography



Graduate research assistant, Pennsylvania State University

  • Conducted research on improving the energy efficiency of the College of EMS buildings and specifically on improving the accuracy of the thermal imagery predictions.
  • Developed a web application to disseminate the collected thermal and visible light images to a wide audience using the Python, Mathplotlib, and Flir Scientific File API.
  • Conducted research on studying the relationship between the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and air quality in the US as well as creating an accompanying web application to facilitate the data exploration.


Program Assistant, University of Northern Iowa

  • Conducted research on the spatial and temporal dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Arctic.
  • Developed a real-time web-based COVID-19 data hub consisting of reporting application, dashboard, and website to facilitate the understanding of the COVID-19 development in the Arctic using the ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Python API.
  • Published the resulting datasets on the NSF’s Arctic Data Center website.


Graduate Research Assistant, University of Northern Iowa

  • Conducted research on Taimyr wild reindeer aerial census data to gain a novel understanding of the wild reindeer migration process and its relationships with natural and anthropogenic factors.
  • Developed a semi-automatic digitization workflow of historical reindeer aerial census reports by using ESRI ArcGIS ArcMap and FME Desktop, which sped up the manual digitization process by approx. 2x times.
  • Created and published a popular dataset on Taimyr reindeer counts and migration patterns on NSF’s Arctic Data Center website.


GIS Development Intern, Langan Engineering & Environmental Services

  • Developed an ArcGIS Pro toolbox and set of standalone Python scripts for GIS administrators to automate various ArcGIS Enterprise/ArcGIS Online administrative tasks.
  • Developed a toolbox targeted for end-users to provide an easy and effective way to download photographs created by Collector for ArcGIS from ArcGIS Online/Portal.
  • Performed routine content management tasks such as putting together and publishing various web maps and web applications using ArcGIS Pro and Web App Builder leading to improved appearance of the web applications and increased engagement of intranet web-GIS application users.


Technical Customer Support, Veeam Software

  • Effectively resolved various infrastructure issues on the client side using strong problem-solving, troubleshooting and debugging skills.
  • Delivered 100% customer satisfaction rate while providing technical support by using Cisco WebEx and Teamviewer remote support tools.


Surveyor, LUKOIL International Services

  • Developed a web-GIS that significantly improved management situational awareness and which was used extensively in the daily activities of field and remote branch offices.
  • Developed software for the automatic collection of panoramic images using Python scripts.
  • Reduced time needed for the preparation of demining reports by creating a custom Python script to generate PDF documents.
  • Improved CAD to GIS conversion accuracy using custom ETL workflows built-in FME Desktop.
  • Effectively kept GIS information up to date by performing GPS surveys using Leica and Trimble GPS equipment.